Wednesday, July 31, 2013

    Here it goes a whole lot of new concept and a whole lot of money saving idea for construction of a wall. After the various types of English single and double Flemish bonds here comes rat type masonary.  
     This double-wall technique uses bricks on edge with a cross brick between each and produces a 9-inch thick wall with an insulating air cavity in between. Surprisingly, this technique reduces the number of bricks required by 25%, thereby reducing material used, including mortar (1:8 mix), and overall cost. Rat-trap technique is equal to the strength of a solid 9-inch wall in either Flemish or English bond.

     Finishing of such walls is not generally required and exposed brick themselves are appealing and form beautiful patterns. This saves the cost of plastering, painting, and maintenance. But the sizes of the bricks vary, so only one surface of the wall can be even. The other face (generally inner) can be smoothed by patch pointing. By avoiding unnecessary plastering, we can save up to 10% of the brickwork cost.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Learning and Earning Should be Balance

                The most important thing that i learned today is that learning and earning should be balanced.Now as per now is concerned let us take my situation as an example. Now I am a learning and earning as well. I go to college 6-10 and go to office 10:30 till 5. Now these periods takes my whole day. I am occupied whole day. I love being busy but just me too want to enjoy being with friends. Now these things are out of my context now. let see my friend recently told me that you should learn first and then think about earning after that. hmmmmmmmmmmmm but now as per me my learning are normal and now as per it's replica the earning will also be the same so here it goes now so i guess i am fine with what i am doing and putting a much more weight on my earning side so as for today i like top earn more and much :P

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

It's long time i have been searching for the best architectural building to post on my blog. and then finally i found a picture in google. It's just a fine art and i think will be a outstanding in the face of the earth. It visual speaks it all. The best thing about is it is the combination of  science and nature which puts the cherry in the cake and makes it look even awesome and a eye catching site to view

Monday, February 27, 2012

Teachers strike goin on the country is it good or bad???

            Living in the country like Nepal, Bandha and hartal seems to be a common thing in the degrading state of our country and it's state degrading day by day. It has not been a while since the clash between the political party at the government and the political party outside the government had created bandha in the official calendar. And here it goes again the bandha against the teachers and the government just has fulled up. It's day 2 of the bandha and after the showdown yesterday just all the school were closed today also.
For more information you can log onto republica
Just as a student just want to say hope the government are concerned and keen on the demands of the teacher as the threats provided that they are planning to effect the S.L.C. board also...

But collecting the different opinions of the people hehe some of the students are enjoying the holidays....
 I just wanna say is please get it sorted out we don't want any of these bandha any more.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Effort Towards Water Transport in Nepal

     Our country Nepal the first and foremost thing that we lack is the linkage to the sea. Being a landlocked country our economic aspects and trade are limited. It would be a great thing if water transport.
  The condition of our country being at such a critical position we are unable to concentrate on the development works. But there is a recent news about the government expending in the field of construction of water transport in NEPAL. According to the daily newspaper it is out that the government is conducting feasibility study of water transport along three major rivers-Koshi, Gandaki and Bheri - to increase mobility of people living along the rivers. The government has allocated Rs 10 million in the current fiscal year to prepare DPR on water transport along Koshi, Gandaki and Bheri basins and start operation of water transport in Arun and Tamor rivers. It has already conducted DPR for water transport along Arun and Tamor rivers. For More information we can log on to study about water transport and my republica news...

Saturday, July 23, 2011


      The "8th National Technological Festival LOCUS 2011" was organized on the date july 22-23 by a group of students from the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering and Department of Electrical Engineering at Institute of Engineering (IOE), Pulchowk Central Campus, at the IOE, Pulchowk Campus, Lalitpur, with the theme “Competition Builds Quality.” The had targeted the engineering students and the +2 students. 
     During these two days visitors were entertained by many of the technically sound robots. Some of the robots were the chess playing robot, home appliances automation systems, talking clocks, sun tracking smart solar panels, various computer games and various other machinery. 
    With all these robots also some exciting games were also played such as fastest person to type a message and fastest to search using the google web engine e.t.c.

Friday, July 15, 2011

What is it like to read in a poor country like nepal

      After you become a holder of the degree of engineering there is not a guarantee that you get to sign in the projects or any other engineering tasks. It's i guess the toughest task to make ourselves stable in this field. Each and every year thousand and thousand of engineer get graduated and only the best will be known. For us to be practically as well as theoretically sound a kind of training is done for the students reading the bachelor's degree in engineering. This training is the must in the curriculum of the engineering field. I am the student in pokhara engineering college which comes under the pokhara university of Nepal. I have been deprived of this facility so i am feeling a little bit left out. I consolidate myself by saying mi elders also didn't have the chance to get the job training so how could i??? This job training  is costlier for the college so for them also it is not possible to do The only area of the job training at civil engineering field is the nearby field constructions and houses........ Hope the curriculum context in NEPAL changes..............