Saturday, July 23, 2011


      The "8th National Technological Festival LOCUS 2011" was organized on the date july 22-23 by a group of students from the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering and Department of Electrical Engineering at Institute of Engineering (IOE), Pulchowk Central Campus, at the IOE, Pulchowk Campus, Lalitpur, with the theme “Competition Builds Quality.” The had targeted the engineering students and the +2 students. 
     During these two days visitors were entertained by many of the technically sound robots. Some of the robots were the chess playing robot, home appliances automation systems, talking clocks, sun tracking smart solar panels, various computer games and various other machinery. 
    With all these robots also some exciting games were also played such as fastest person to type a message and fastest to search using the google web engine e.t.c.

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